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Post this Recruiter job description template to job boards and careers pages to attract and hire qualified professionals for your engineering department.

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Recruiting for the Recruiter position?

Are you starting your recruiting process for the Recruiter position in your company and wondering how to start creating a job offer? We’re here to help. We have prepared a small cheat sheet for you below, which will help you understand what the Recruiter is responsible for. Once you have got to know it, feel free to use our job offer template as a whole or as an inspiration in your recruitment.

What Recruiter does?

The recruiter is responsible for conducting recruitment processes following the needs of the organization. Recruiter searches for interested candidates, conducts interviews and selects candidates.

Hiring for Recruiter role?
Thanks to integration with LinkedIn Jobs and career page generator you can post this job offer for FREE

Role in the organization:​

We are looking for a Recruiter to join our team, someone engaged in the recruitment process and interested in building relationships with candidates. If you are a communicative person who enjoys working with people and seeks challenges in the recruitment area, this offer is for you. Check below what we offer and what we expect for this position.

Our requirements

  • Experience in recruitment or HR department
  • Knowledge of recruitment techniques and tools supporting the recruitment process
  • Ability to build relationships with candidates and conduct effective recruitment interviews
  • Creativity and independence in finding new ways to reach potential candidates
  • Ability to organize own work and work under time pressure
  • Communication skills and high personal culture
  • Higher education or currently studying
  • Very good command of English

Your responsibilities

  • Analysis of staffing needs in the company and determining the profile of the sought employee
  • Posting job advertisements and conducting online and offline recruitment
  • Conducting application selection and qualification interviews
  • Building a database of potential candidates
  • Cooperation with the HR department in creating recruitment strategies
  • Preparation of reports and analyses regarding recruitment processes

What we offer?

  • Salary ranging from 4500 to 7000 PLN gross per month
  • Employment contract or B2B
  • Private medical care
  • Possibility of remote or hybrid work
  • Flexible working hours
  • Training package and professional development opportunities
  • Friendly work atmosphere and team integration
  • Sports benefits (e.g., MultiSport card)
  • Recreational package (e.g., gym card)
  • Support in personal development (e.g., coaching sessions)
  • Possibility to participate in team-building trips
Ready to post job offer for Recruiter role?
LinkedIn,, career page – place your job on multiple platforms for FREE with just one click

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