Hire effectively – in a team
Check how TRAFFIT supports collaborative hiring.
No credit card required

Cooperation brings new hires
Make sure each candidate gets the same level of brilliant experience with each message you send. Personalized templates help you keep the consistency.
Free hiring manager role
Get on board management, technical recruiters, and clients with hiring manager role. Let them adjust the account to their needs. Share the applications and get feedback. Send them reminders and show the impact of their work.
Share the entire process or chosen stages
Decide what parts of the process should other people access. Control the data they can view.
Notify others and react quickly to mentions
Shorten the time that candidates spend on each stage, and improve their experience in the process. Show your candidates that you value their time.
Asynchronous information flow
Let the automation options cover basic updates. Send automated messages when the candidate is moved to another stage – both to the candidate and hiring manager. Use scheduler for setting up the interviews. Free up your time.

Options that boost cooperation
Mention your teammates and hiring managers in the comments or notes.

International team friendly
We support various languages, including Romanian, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Polish, and Spanish.

Data safety in mind
Create users’ groups and define access levels in the system. Take care of candidates’ data safety.
One place where hiring happens

Say bye to dispersed process
Gather applications, feedback, messages, and hiring decisions in one place. Check all the actions taken on candidate’s profile and see who performed them. Limit the number of tools needed for hiring, integrate them, and work more efficiently.

Notifications where you'll see them
Get notifications on Slack or via e-mail. Choose what you want to know about as soon as it happens, and minimize your reaction time.

Absences? We've got it covered
When one of the recruiters is off, it doesn’t stop the process. The entire communication history is available on candidates’ profiles, so you can pick it up smoothly. You can also introduce a new team member easily to the process.
Measure the impact of collaborative recruitment

Show proof for the deadlines
Show your hiring managers the importance of a fast feedback. Track how many candidates get hired before you make a decision.

Track your efficiency
Find bottlenecks in your cooperation and ways to overcome them. Analyze the process from various points of view, like candidates or stages. Evaluate the impact of automation and boost your process efficiency.