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Sourcing plugin

Powerful sourcing tool right in your browser

Be first to reach passive candidates and build your talent pool!
Source from:
Hire faster

Source talents and hire faster

Employees' own talent pools are responsible for 28% of all hires (TRAFFIT benchmarks reports)
Don't limit yourself

Browse and add candidates to your talent pool from multiple websites.

Find talents

Remember that 80% of talents are passive candidates. Be first to reach them!

Always at hand

Be able to save new candidates’ profiles in the ATS without even opening it

Team sourcing

Your team will love it!

Team sourcing has never been easier! Keep the team always up-to-date with the list of talents that has already been contacted.

Know who's already in the pool

Just drop an eye on the sourcing plugin to know, who has already been contacted and who has no history with your organization (yet).

Browse activities

Check the history of applications or enrich the profile with additional notes, tags, or Talents. Without leaving the tab you’re browsing!

Look for talents in their natural habitat

Use this sourcing plugin to save candidates from LinkedIn – using automatic mode. Feel free to launch it also on other websites like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Dribble, Wykop, Behance & Stack Overflow.

Sourcing talents has never been so easy

Building a great talent pool in 3 simple steps
Step 1: Install the plugin

Download the free plugin and install it. Don’t forget to pin it to your browser! You’ll be using it very often.

Step 2: Browse talents

Source talents on multiple websites, like LinkedIn, TikTok or even GitHub. Reach them before your competitors do!

Step 3: Build your talent pool

Assign candidates to jobs or just put them in your talent pool, enriching their profiles with tags and notes.