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Candidate profile

Get a 360° view of every single talent in your pool

Keep the full candidate history in one place, arranged your way!
Candidates summarized

All candidate insights visible at first glance

Tags & Talents

Check the keywords assigned to the candidate by you and your team or add new ones to enrich the profile.

Notes & activities

See the full candidate’s history gathered in one tool. Easy to browse and available for the whole team.

Just what you need

Design the candidate profile your way

Customize the candidate profile by adding as much information as you need. Enrich your candidate profile with a wide variety of fields:

You can use it multiple ways – e.g. to keep the information about the candidate’s motivation to apply!

Collect additional files from the candidates; like their portfolio, certificates or previous projects summary.

Make it possible to choose one or multiple values from a predefined values list – like language skills and tools knowledge.

Use this field to keep any information about the location – e.g. the candidate’s preferred job location.

Perfect to keep the simple “Yes/No” information – like “Ready to relocate?” or “Active driving license”.

If you want to ask the candidate about the years of experience or other numbers – this field is the perfect choice.

Use it to keep any links providing information about the candidate, like their social media profiles or sites that mention him.


An ATS that adapts to you

You don’t have to change the way you work. Your ATS should reflect it!

Customizing the candidate profile in the ATS to fit your unique hiring needs:

"When implementing the system, we did not have to adapt to it.  It was TRAFFIT that adapted to us."

Get endless customization options

Customizing the candidate profile alone sounds scary? No worries!

Our experts are here to help. Book a demo and tell them what candidate data you need to collect and process.

They will advise you on the best possible configuration.

Jobs history

Gain a full view of candidate's jobs history

Don’t start the history over and over again! Finally, you’ll know if the candidate was already active in any of your processes in the past.

See the list of all the jobs the candidates were assigned to

Manage their stages in the processes 

Track the timeline and rejection reasons in every job

What else can be found on the candidate profile?

Why customizable candidate profile rocks?

Tailoring the candidate profile is not the only advantage
Collect only the data you need

Design the application form by choosing which of the predefined fields should be filled by the applicant.

Personalize your e-mails

Every e-mail template can be filled automatically with the custom fields used in the candidate profile.

Filter your pool in various way

Every new field you define on the candidate profile will result in a new filter in your talent pool. Cool, huh?

No limits

Don’t limit yourself – add all the fields and candidate data you need.

No extra costs

We won’t charge you for extra fields. You need more data? Just go for it!


You don’t have to reach our Customer Success team to make any changes to the candidate profile.

Exchange data

All the data from the candidate profile can be sent and fetched by other systems thanks to API. 

Adapt to the market

Recruitment is changing rapidly, along with the changes in the market. Your ATS must keep up.

Keep it clear

Add sections and put the newly created fields there to keep the candidate profile simple and legible.