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Flexible recruitments

Create recruitments as flexible as your work

Every recruitment is different. Get an ATS that adapts to the way you work, so you don't have to fit into a rigid framework.
Hire your way

Finally no limits to your creativity

Make yourself and your corporate culture clear through the way you recruit
Tailor your workflow

Decide on the names and number of stages when processing your applicants

Customize jobs listing

Design your job and job post details & choose information to be shared publicly

Edit it anytime

Plans changed and your workflow is missing a stage? Add it even if the job is running

Flexible workflows

Create workflows that reflect your processes

Theres is no limit in the number of steps. You can name the stages however you want, keeping them clear and obvious. 

Make a list of all the possible rejection & resignation reasons. This will be a great basis for application sources effectiveness analysis!

Set the conditions for every workflow and decide, which e-mails be automated, and which you want to send manually.

Prepare templates for your job posts, application forms & e-mails.
Even the ‘Thank you message’ visible on the screen can be customized

Flexible recruitments

Customize the details of your recruitments

The data you need

Decide what internal information about every single job you want to keep in the system and exchange it with the recruiting team.

Job post listing

Choose, which of them you want to share externally – by posting them on your Career Page or allowing them to be shared via API

““TRAFFIT allows me to keep the correct flow of each process
- from setting up the requirements, designing the workflow, up to creating the application form"

Let us prove to you how flexible recruitments can be with TRAFFIT

Find out, why customizable jobs are one of the most recognizable TRAFFIT features.
Show our specialists how you recruit – they will show you, how it can be mapped in TRAFFIT

Get noticed

Create jobs that stand out

Mutiple job posts to perform A/B tests and find the communication & style that attracts the best talents

Add custom scripts and make your job posts and application forms even more in line with your corporate identity

Customize application confirmation to say “Thank you” to all your applicants the way you want to 

Spread your company culture by smuggling it to everything you do – from job post templates to rejection e-mails

Creating a new workflow was never that easy

Step 1: Design the steps

Cut your processes into as many steps as you need to smoothly push them to the end

Step 2: List rejection reasons

Create your own list with all the reasons why your candidates resign or get rejected

Step 3: Add time limits

Make sure all involved in the process know whether things are going according to plan

Free of charge

Don’t pay extra for customization. Get an ATS where you can free up your creativity!

No limits

Create multiple workflows to plan and track different types of recruitment.

Be agile

Create flexible recruitments easily adapting the way you recruit to the changes in the market 

Use SID's

Add system ID’s to your custom fields in job to integrate the ATS with any other tool via API.

Add stage types

Assign stage types to every stage in your workflow for a simplified data analysis. 

Analyze rejections

Set a list of all reasons your candidates resign or get rejected to get a full analysis in your reports.

"TRAFFIT enabled us to create a unified list of reasons for rejections and resignations for each process.
This allows us to analyze in details what is the reason of the candidates not getting hired.
Thanks to that we also keep the full history of every single rejection that I can always go back to"