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How did Skillhunt improve communication thanks to TRAFFIT?

See how streamlining communication has reduced the time at various stages by up to 70%!

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April 2023
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Skillhunt connects top talents with tech companies: start-ups, scale-ups and companies developing their own products

Skillhunt is a staffing agency known for providing its clients with candidates with a specific skill set, but also with the right culture fit.


Communication chaos between recruiters, candidates and clients lengthening recruitment processes

There are a lot of people involved in each recruitment process - clients have recruiters responsible for their processes, but the whole team recruits for them. As a result, there were a lot of different documents in the company in Excel or on Trello, and it was time- and work-consuming to find information in them.

"Good communication is the key to speeding up processes. And prolonged processes mean greater costs - from the cost of recruiters' and Hiring Managers' time, to the cost of lost productivity and potential revenue."


Speeding up recruitment processes by gradually reducing the duration of the various stages

Bringing all the information gathered in other tools, files, documents and on Slack and maintaining a complete candidate history in one tool.


Streamlining communication by collecting all candidate information and client feedback in one place.

TRAFFIT has become a command centre where information provided by candidates, tags and notes added by users and clients are aggregated. This gives a full picture of each person whose candidature is being considered in the process.

Communication within the team has also been improved with the option to tag users in notes on candidate profiles. The Skillhunt team is very keen to use this option on a daily basis!

One of the biggest benefits of bringing everything together in one place is the ability to use boolean search - that means advanced keyword search on all candidates' profiles, also in the content of attached documents (CVs)

"The ability to tag users in the system has changed the quality of our work."


Reduction in the time spent by candidates at each stage of the process by up to 73%

Following the introduction of TRAFFIT and improved communication, the time that candidates spend on the various stages of the processes has dropped significantly. This is confirmed by the data from the reports in the system, which allows Skillhunt to analyze the performance of its recruitments in real time. New applications now spend 60% less time waiting to be moved to screening and 67% less time on screening stage alone.

The most noticeable difference is at the technical verification stage - where the most people are involved. Time on this stage from has dropped by as much as 73%.

shorter time for new applicants to be sent to Screening stage
shorter time spent on Screening stage
shorter time spent on Technical verification
"We need recruiter-oriented and client-oriented data. The client is mostly interested in the outcome, but the reports help us to talk to the client; when we see a problem that's needs to be diagnozed or when we want to change something during the process."


Communication Client <> Recruiter <> Candidate is quick and easy when everything is in one place

Skillhunt customers willingly use the option to log to the system as a Hiring Manager and leave their notes there - speeding up the circulation of information (no more SPAM!) and contributing to the candidate's history in the system. That's how the value of Skillhunt's candidate database growing all the time.

The absence of a recruiter now does not mean that the process slows down - a new person can easily 'jump' into the process with the full spectrum of information needed to close it successfully!

Roxana Lambert